What advice would you give someone who is pregnant and scared to be a mom? It doesn’t matter if you’re a mom, pregnant, or someone who is terrified of it all. Share your words below:
After I gave birth most of my anxiety came from high expectations, not fully being in the moment and focusing on things I can’t control. It’s so important to be in the moment and think of what’s best for your family despite what people might say. What works for others might not for you.
Yes, my worries were about how waking up every 3 hours, would I hear him on the monitor, what if he rolls over swaddled. Your brain will think of every worst case scenario which sucks. I just kept telling myself our parents didn’t have all the fancy bells and whistles of monitors and we made it.
After I gave birth most of my anxiety came from high expectations, not fully being in the moment and focusing on things I can’t control. It’s so important to be in the moment and think of what’s best for your family despite what people might say. What works for others might not for you.
Thank you so much for sharing this. I hope to be able to stay in the moment too and not give in to anxiety around work and life and etc.
If you don’t immediately feel that “bond” it’s okay….you will. There’s nothing wrong with you.
It’s okay to cry as night approaches and you are anxious about feedings.
Thank you for sharing this. Someone told me that when night approaches, a mother's anxiety naturally climbs up high. Did you find that to be true?
Yes, my worries were about how waking up every 3 hours, would I hear him on the monitor, what if he rolls over swaddled. Your brain will think of every worst case scenario which sucks. I just kept telling myself our parents didn’t have all the fancy bells and whistles of monitors and we made it.
That is such a good reminder - thank you <3